Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby Ayden

So my friends, Paul and Jo just had a baby girl named Ayden.
I got the honor of photographing her at only a couple of weeks old.

Newborns are great... they mostly sleep. You can scrunch them up, move them around, put bright lights on them, make lots of noise, not to mention...they are cute. I'm a sucker for babies... raising two of my own.

For this shoot I used my strobes but just as 'hot lights' (no flash). The term 'hot lights' was derived because they are active the entire time therefore they get hot! For the average model, it can get uncomfortable, however, for a naked baby who just spent 9 months in a warm safe place, hot lights are a comfort.

Paul and Jo are avid climbers, so when my wife, Robyn, came up with the idea of placing Ayden in a shelf amongst my climbing gear, Paul and Jo were all for it.

Paul, Ayden's proud papa, shot a few photos of me at work. Thanks Paul.

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